Perubahan Pengambilan Keputusan Secara Mendalam Mengubah Prinsip Manajemen di Satuan Pendidikan


  • Dedi Suarna Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
  • Ujang Suyatman



Decision-making; Management principles; Educational institutions; Leadership practices


This study examines how deep decision-making changes can transform the fundamental principles of management within educational institutions. The issue arises from the increasingly complex challenges faced by educational leaders, necessitating a shift in the way decisions are made. The research aims to explore the impact of in-depth decision-making processes on management principles in educational settings. Using a qualitative approach, this study involved interviews and observations with school leaders and administrative staff to gather insights into the evolving decision-making dynamics. The results indicate that adopting a more reflective and comprehensive decision-making process leads to significant shifts in management strategies, fostering more adaptive, inclusive, and participatory leadership practices. The study concludes that by altering decision-making mechanisms, educational institutions can enhance their organizational efficiency and responsiveness to change, ultimately improving the quality of education.


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